Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Hold On to His Promises!

"Sunshine on a Gray Day"
5" X 7" on canvas panel
Frame available

In the Midwest, we have had our fill of cold, wind, ice, snow, sleet, and rain.  While nature does bring us some "teaser" days, we’re frequently looking at gray.  And we love to talk about it – hoping to find some comfort in the assumption that “misery loves company.”  Add to that, for some crazy reason, many of us are emotionally affected by the weather.  In our minds, it sets the tone for the day – whether it’ll be a good or bad one.  If it’s gray outside, it’s usually gray inside.  And we’re tired …… of waiting …… for the earth to get the memo that according to our calendars, spring was to have sprung March 20, 2013!  

Well, except for in my studio!!!  See, I probably tired sooner than the rest of you, so since late January, I have been painting flowers from photos or life (don’t you love how they have strategically placed the floral department at your local grocery so you walk by them as soon as you enter = lifted spirits, let’s eat!)  While all my efforts may not turn out suitable for public consumption, the “sun” truly does shine on my easel! 

You say that I’m living in denial?   Perhaps - but could it be forward thinking - of God’s promise of the seasons?  (“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.” Gen. 8:22).  And, even if just for a few hours, I am living as if His promise is already here?

Sometimes we find ourselves in a season of life we don’t particularly like – or even hate - cuz it’s hard, or painful, or depressing.     We want out, and the waiting just sometimes seems too difficult to bear.   But what if we found a little sunshine on gray days – either in reality or in our minds?  

    What if we just picked a flower from His bouquet of faithful promises and
enjoyed it right now, as if it were ours - to claim, to hold in our own hands.
Because it is and He wants us to!

I hope you have time to enjoy this music video of Promises by Sanctus Real!  

Oh ...... and P.S......There are tulip leaves peaking out of the ground at my house!


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